Looking Ahead

Earlier this year, and as an outcome of my annual performance review in 2023, I asked the ruling elders to prioritize two activities at MBPPC. These are:

Children and Youth Ministry

Financial Practices and Annual Review.

I am happy to report that we have made progress with both of these activities.

When the Coronavirus pandemic hit, our ministry with children and youth was drastically curtailed. In the days of the lockdown, Lisa Konick (my wife) and I made Zoom and in-person (outdoors) visits to children and youth, as their families were comfortable with this. Other than these visits, there was no Sunday school or other activities.

After the lockdown, Sunday school and ministries with youth were very slow to bounce back. However, we have made progress. Last Lent, Lisa and I met weekly with a 9th grader, offering her a confirmation course. Last summer, for the first time in almost 25 years, members of the congregation held a week-long Vacation Bible School attended by about a dozen children, with youth helpers. And I began to find ways to involve children and youth in helping to lead worship services

Last month, we re-launched Sunday school on a limited basis (two Sundays per month). On second Sundays, we now offer a traditional Sunday school in the same one-room-schoolhouse mode we used before the pandemic. And on third Sundays, we offer a craft time. In March, the craft time was decorating and providing cookies for coffee hour (a service project that allowed children to experience providing hospitality).

I want to thank Renna Frakes for leading the Sunday school in March, and Vicki Butler for leading the cookie decorating.

We will continue these two events, on 2nd and 3rd Sundays, while we continue to seek teachers and leaders. If you feel called to this ministry, please contact me at pastor@mtbakerchurch. org.

As I write this, the Session is preparing to receive a review of financial practices completed by Elder Mike Stob and member John Hungate. This review, which aligns with our by-laws’ requirement for such annually, will also provide recommendations toward memorializing and regularizing our financial practices. The good news is that MBPPC is fundamentally sound financially. The better news is that, along with the outstanding work of Treasurer Craig Abramson, we now have a team in place to continue to manage and track our financial operations.

I want to thank Mike Stob and John Hungate for their good work.

In Christ,


Chelsea Hockenbery